Processi Fluidodinamici con Interazioni di Tipo Dissipativo
alla Scala Molecolare


Lavori pubblicati

1) A.V.Bobylev, G.Spiga, "Exact and asymptotic stationary solutions of the semicontinuous Boltzmann equation", Applied Mathematics Letters 9, 47-52 (1996).

2) M. FONTANA, G.SPIGA, "Application of extended kinetic theory to particle transport with inelastic scattering", Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 47, 539-552 (1996).

3) A.V.BOBYLEV, G.L.CARAFFINI, G.SPIGA, “On group invariant solutions of the Boltzmann equation”, Journal of Mathematical Physics 37, 2787-2795 (1996).

4) A.ROSSANI, G.SPIGA, “Extended thermodynamics of a two-group model of the Boltzmann equation”, Transport Theory and Statistical Physics, 25, 699-712 (1996).

5) G.L.CARAFFINI, M.IORI, G.SPIGA, “On the connections between kinetic theory and a statistical model for the distribution of dominance in populations of social organisms”, Rivista di Matematica dell’Università di Parma, (5) 5, 169-181 (1996).

6) A.ROSSANI, G.SPIGA, R.MONACO, “Kinetic approach for two-level atoms interacting with monochromatic photons”, Mechanics Research Communications 24, 237-242 (1997).

7) G.SPIGA, “A note on speed discretization in kinetic theory via the scattering kernel formulation of the Boltzmann equation”, Transport Theory and Statistical Physics 26, 243-251 (1997).

8) A.V.BOBYLEV, G.L:CARAFFINI, G.SPIGA, “Group symmetries and invariant solutions of the Boltzmann equation”, In “Modern Group Analysis VI, Developments in Theory, Computation and Application”, Edited by N.H.Ibragimov and F.M.Mahomed, 91-101, New Age International, Delhi, 1997.

9) A.V.BOBYLEV, G.SPIGA, “On a model transport equation with inelastic scattering”, S.I.A.M. Journal on Applied Mathematics 58, 1128-1137 (1998).

10) M.MIKLAVCIC, G.SPIGA, “Stability of Maxwellian states for the Broadwell model of the extended Boltzmann equation”, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics (ZAMP) 49, 590-601 (1998).

11) J.BANASIAK, G.FROSALI, G.SPIGA, “Asymptotic analysis for a particle transport equation with inelastic scattering in extended kinetic theory”, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 8, 851-874 (1998).

12) A.ROSSANI, G.SPIGA, “Kinetic theory with inelastic interactions”, Transport Theory and Statistical Physics 27, 273-287 (1998).

13) M.MIKLAVCIC, G.SPIGA, “On nonlinear stability of Maxwellian states for discrete velocity models of the extended Boltzmann equation”, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 31, 5393-5400 (1998).

14) G.L.CARAFFINI, C.E.CATALANO, G.SPIGA, “On the small mean free path asymptotics of the transport equation with inelastic scattering”, Rivista Matematica dell’Università di Parma, (6) 1, 13-30 (1998).

15) M.MIKLAVCIC, G.SPIGA, “Stability of Maxwellian states for two velocity models of the extended Boltzmann equation”, Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, (II) Suppl. 57, 465-470 (1998).

16) A.ROSSANI, G.SPIGA, “On a dynamical system arising from the kinetic theory of atoms and photons”, Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, (II) Suppl. 57, 439-445 (1998).

17) M.IORI, G.NESPI, G.SPIGA, “Analysis of a kinetic (cellular) model for tumor immune system interaction”, Mathematical and Computer Modelling 29, 117-129 (1999).


Lavori in corso di pubblicazione

1) A.ROSSANI, G.SPIGA, \ldblquote A note on the kinetic theory of chemically reacting gases\rdblquote , Physica A, in corso di stampa.

2) J.BANASIAK, G.FROSALI, G.SPIGA, Inelastic scattering models in transport theory and their small mean free path analysis, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, in corso di stampa.

3) A.V.BOBYLEV, G.L.CARAFFINI, G.SPIGA, \ldblquote Non-stationary two-dimensional potential flows by the Broadwell model equations\rdblquote , preprint.

4) M.GROPPI, G.SPIGA, Kinetic approach to chemical reactions and inelastic transitions in a rarefied gas\rdblquote , preprint.

5) M.GROPPI, G.SPIGA, Kinetic theory of a chemically reacting gas with inelastic transitions, 16th International Conference on Transport Theory, Atlanta, 1999.