di Giovanni BORGIOLI


Pubblicazioni su Riviste con Referee

  1. G.Borgioli, E. Di Benedetto, M. Ughi, ``Stefan problems with nonlinear boundary conditions: the polygonal method", Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 58, 539- 546 (1978).
  2. G.Borgioli, G. Busoni, G. Frosali, ``Strict solution of a nonlinear evolution problem in a time dependent domain", Nonlinear Analysis 4(6), 1135- 1149 (1980).
  3. G.Borgioli, ``On the stationary integral equation for speed dependent neutron transport in a cylindrical system", Boll. Un. Mat. Suppl. (Fisica Matematica) 2, 91-112 (1983).
  4. G.Borgioli, G. Frosali, C.V.M. van der Mee, ``A stationary criticality problem in general Lp-space for energy dependent neutron transport in cylindrical geometry", Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 35, 166-180 (1984).
  5. G.Borgioli, G. Frosali, C.V.M. van der Mee, ``Comparison of the critical eigenvalues for integral neutron transport equation in different geometries", Transp. Theor. Stat. Phys. 14(2), 223-252 (1985).
  6. G.Borgioli, G. Frosali, ``Criticality transport problems for spherical systems with specular type boundary conditions" Transp. Theor. Stat. Phys. 15 (6& 7), 937-958 (1986).
  7. G.Borgioli, S. Totaro, ``A particle transport problem with a quadratic nonlinearity and general boundary conditions: the stationary solution", Meccanica, 25, 12-17, (1990).
  8. G.Borgioli, S.Totaro, ``Semigroup properties of the streaming operator with multiplying boundary conditions", Transp.Theor.Stat.Phys., 23(7), 1035- 1049 (1994).
  9. G.Borgioli, S.Totaro, ``Semigroup generation properties of the streaming operator in dependence of the boundary conditions", Transp.Theor.Stat.Phys., 25(3--5), 491--502 (1996)
  10. G.Borgioli, V.Gerasimenko, G.Lauro, R.Monaco, ``Many particles dynamical system formulation for the discrete Enskog gas", Transp.Theor.Stat.Phys., 25(3--5), 581--592 (1996).
  11. G.Borgioli, S.Totaro, ``3D-streaming operator with multiplying boundary conditions: semigroup generation properties", Semigroup Forum, 55, 110--117 (1997).
  12. G.Borgioli, V.Gerasimenko, G.Lauro, R.Monaco, ``A discrete velocity model of a gas: global in time solutions of the BBGKY hierarchy", Reports on Mathematical Physics, 40(3), 431--442 (1997).
  13. G. Borgioli, V. Gerasimenko, G. Lauro, ``Derivation of a discrete Enskog equation from the dynamics of particles ", Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Pol. Torino, 56(2) 57-70 (1998)
  14. G. Borgioli, V .Gerasimenko, Semigroups generated ny the dual BBGKY hierarchy, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematical Physics, "Quest for Mathematical Physics", Vol.I, 103-118, Nagpur University (India), 1999.
  15. G.Borgioli, G.Frosali and P.F.Zweifel, Wigner approach to the two-band Kane model for a tunneling diode, XVII International Conference on Transport Theory ICTT 2001 , London, Imperial College, 8-14 july 2001, (submitted on Transport Theory Statist. Physics)
  16. G. Borgioli, V .Gerasimenko, The dual BBGKY hierarchy for the evolution of observable, Rivista Mat. Univ. Parma 2001.
  17. G. Borgioli, M.Camprini, Schrodinger-like model for interband tunneling in heterogeneous semiconductor devices: a current estimate, Proc. XI Int. Conf. on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media, Porto Ercole, June 4-9, 2001, Word Scientific (Singapore) 2001

Pubblicazioni su Atti di Congressi Internazionali con Referee

  1. G.Borgioli, R.Monaco, G.Toscani, ``The semidiscrete Enskog equation", in Proceedings of ``Waves and Stability in Contiunuous Media", S.Rionero ed., 35-40, World Scientific, Singapore (1991).
  2. G.Toscani, G.Borgioli, A.Pulvirenti, ``On the Cauchy problem for the semidiscrete Enskog equation", in Proceedings of ``Advances in Kinetic Theory and Continuum Mechanics", R.Gatignol et als. eds., Lecture Notes in Physics, 91-98, Springer Verlag, Berlin(1991).
  3. G.Borgioli, G.Lauro, R.Monaco, ``On the discrete velocity models of the Enskog equation", in Proceedings of the Workshop ``Nonlinear Kinetic Theory and Mathematical Aspects of Hyperbolic Systems", V.Boffi et als. eds., 38-47, World Scientific, Singapore (1992).

Pubblicazioni su Atti di Congressi Nazionali

  1. G.Borgioli, G. Frosali, ``L'operatore integrale del trasporto dipendente dall'energia in geometria cilindrica nello spazio L1, Atti VI Congresso Nazionale AIMETA, Sez.1, 60-67, Genova (1982).
  2. G.Borgioli, S. Totaro, ``On the spectrum of the transport operator with mixed type boundary conditions", Atti VIII Congresso Nazionale AIMETA, Vol. I, 393-398, Torino (1986).
  3. G.Borgioli, S. Totaro, ``Stationary solution for a particle problem with quadratic nonlinearities", Atti IX Congresso Nazionale AIMETA, Vol. I, 29-32, Bari (1988).

Rapporti interni non seguiti da pubblicazione su Rivista

  1. G.Borgioli, E. Di Benedetto, M. Ughi, ``Il metodo di Huber per problemi a contorno libero con dominio inizialmente degenere", Rapporto interno n.10, Istituto Matematico ``U. Dini", Universit\`a di Firenze (1976-77).
  2. G.Borgioli, V.Gerasimenko, G.Lauro, R.Monaco, ``A discrete velocity model of a gas of hard disks: global in time solution of the BBGKY hierarchy", Rapporto interno del Dipartimento di Matematica del Politecnico di Torino, n. 12 (1994).
  3. G. Borgioli, V. Gerasimenko, ``Semigroups generated by the dual BBGKY hierarchy", Rapporto Interno n. 961101 del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettronica, Universit\`a degli Studi di Firenze (1996)
  4. G. Borgioli, V. Gerasimenko, G. Lauro, R. Monaco, ``Hydrodynamic limit of the BBGKY hierarchy for a discrete velocity model of a gas", Rapporto Interno n. del Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata ``G. Sansone", Università degli Studi di Firenze (1996)


  1. G. Borgioli: Modelli Matematici di Evoluzione ed Equazioni Differenziali, CELID, Torino (1996).