
This page contains a selection of my own software which I find interesting or potentially useful for some reason or another. Actually, most of the programs here were born simply for the fun of trying to write them. This is the reason why here there are programs that do the same thing. Only, they do it in different ways.
I make no claim of best programming practice or of having chosen the most cunning algorithm. Quite the contrary, in fact! However, behind my programming choices there is often a reason (sadly uncommented).
It may well be that you find any of my programs trivial or naïve; if this is the case, then I am sorry. Otherwise, you are free to use or study it. I will truly appreciate any feedback, just drop me an email!

Disclaimer: The software available through this page comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. It is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

Available stuff:


Utility programs, in a relatively final form.

DoubleIntegrator    Evolution of "PlaneDomains" and "PyPlaneDomains", it is written entirely in Python. Sketches complicated plane domains, computing their area and double integrals over them. It also allowes graphing two-variables functions and computes (roughly) the area of their graph.
Relies heavily on the Parallel Python module and also uses the SciPy and Numpy modules.   uploaded:  Jun 27, 2015 - 15:45

degree_calculator   Interactive program in Python that numerically computes the topological degree of a map from a box in Rn to Rn.   uploaded:  Jul 28, 2013 - 13:45


Curiosities and utilities all jumbled together!

PlaneDomains   The purpose of this program is to sketch plane domains, contained in a given reference rectangle, defined by a complex sets of conditions. (Main program in FORTRAN and interface in Python - uses Gnuplot for output -- needs gfortran for on-the-fly compilation.)   uploaded:  Jul 21, 2013 - 14:05

PyPlaneDomains    As the program "PlaneDomains" the purpose of this software is to sketch plane domains, contained in a given reference rectangle, defined by a complex sets of conditions. Indeed, this is a version of PlaneDomains completely written in Python. Does not require Gfortran and Gnuplot as PlaneDomains does. It does need, however, the numpy and scipy modules.   uploaded:  Jul 21, 2013 - 14:05

index   This page source (PHP).   uploaded:  Jul 21, 2013 - 19:45

polfatt5   Simple program in GNU Pascal to factor low-degree polynomials with integer coefficient using the Schubert-Kronecker algorithm.   uploaded:  Jul 21, 2013 - 14:06


Programs I had occasion of using in my research activity.

TransfImg   Bash scripts and FORTRAN programs used for generating some the images in the paper "L.Poggiolini - M.Spadini, Local inversion of planar maps with nice nondifferentiability structure. Adv. Nonlin. Studies".   uploaded:  Jul 21, 2013 - 14:06

example_ccmatrix   FORTRAN Program for the approximate search of an example of 4 matrices 2x2 with positive determinant, defining a piecewise continuous map, and whose convex combination has negative determinant. Used in Example 4.4 in the paper "L.Poggiolini - M.Spadini, Local inversion of planar maps with nice nondifferentiability structure. Adv. Nonlin. Studies".   uploaded:  Jul 21, 2013 - 14:06

StartingPoints-1D   Given a scalar, parameter-dependent differential equation x'=f(t,x,L), where f is T-periodic in t, the program attempts to find the pairs (L,x), L and x in given intervals, such that the solution of the differential equation, corresponding to L and starting at time t=0 from x, is T-periodic. Has been used to generate most of the images in the paper "Luca Bisconti - Marco Spadini, About the notion of non-T-resonance and applications to topological multiplicity results for ODEs on differentiable manifolds". Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. (Main program in FORTRAN and interface in Python - uses Gnuplot for output -- needs gfortran for on-the-fly compilation.) New version (0.99) with improved integrator.   uploaded:  Jul 7, 2016 - 22:30

Bif-2D   Given a vector, parameter-dependent differential equation x'=f(t,x,L), where f is T-periodic in t, the program attempts to find the pairs (L,x), in given boxes, such that the solution of the differential equation, corresponding to L and starting at time t=0 from x, is T-periodic. Has been used to generate some of the images in the paper "Luca Bisconti - Marco Spadini,On the set of harmonic solutions of a class of perturbed coupled and nonautonomous differential equations on manifolds". (Main program in FORTRAN and interface in Python - uses Gnuplot for output -- needs gfortran for on-the-fly compilation.). It is an evolution of one of the components of "edo2D".   uploaded:  Jul 30, 2016 - 16:51

edo2D   This is a suite of three elementary programs in Python and Fortran 90 for the investigation of the fixed points of the translation operator associated to a parametrized ordinary differential equation in normal form in two (spatial) dimensions. (New version with improved integrator.)   uploaded:  Jul 21, 2013 - 14:06

Last update of this page: Sunday, July 21, 2013 - 19:43