Cena Scozzese del 28 agosto 2005

In una bella serata di fine Agosto 2005, in una bella Villa all'Impruneta si sono ritrovati insieme le famiglie Mackay di Bearsden (Glasgow) e Cambi di Signa (Firenze).
Eravamo in tanti: Mr. Angus Mackay e Mr. Armando Cambi con tutte le loro famiglie. C'era poi anche Gianni Frosali, il fratello della Paola (Gloria era invece assente perchè indisposta) .

Click on the photo to enlarge it.

Cousin Irene: Cheers!!!

Kevin: Hi! but where's the food?
Giovanni: 1+1 makes 2, also in Italy.

Euan and Teresa: Want to see my knife, honey??

Angus and Giacomo: Still no food and Giovanni is still counting ...

Cousin Irene: The families blend...the food is coming. Euan-Mom: Mom, can I have another plate of pasta?
Giacomo: Ah!Ah! Nice wine but no pasta!?!
Belle!!! Mother Paola with son Giacomo.

Giovanni: Finally some food!!
Euan: Want to see a scotsman opening a bottle of champagne
Kevin and Dad: Father Angus and son Kevin in deep discussion "You pow the wine and I'll drink it ....
Kilt: OK, nice tartan, but underneath?!

Armando: Cheers!! Good health!!

Everyone: As the drink flows the evening begins to take shape ...
Cousin Irene: Cheers from the 2 Irene's!
Mom, Dad: That champagne just went straight to my legs ...!

Ring, a ring of roses.

Kevin, Emma, etc: On course for a collision
Kevin and Emma: Just married!!
Kevin and Emma: Swing her around now!
Kevin, Dad, etc.: Things get complicated...

Dad, etc: Take to the floor folks!!
Dad and Kilt: Swing them hips!!
Euan and Teresa: Whose turn is it to spin around?
Euan and Teresa: Don't let go!

Euan and Teresa: 1,2,3 and turn!
Euan and Teresa: Got it right for once !!
Euan and Teresa: Back round again
Euan and Teresa: Watch my toes!

Euan and Mom: Mother and son show how it's done!
Euan and Mom: Heel toe, heel toe, 1,2,3 !!
Euan and Teresa: Watch my toes! Again?

Euan and Teresa: Stretching routine.
Euan and Teresa: TIME OUT!!

Armando and Dad: Now, what do you think about Berlusconi?

Angus and Paola: C'mon Mrs. Cambi, get into the swing!

Dad and Armando: For Auld Lang Syne !!

Cena Scozzese del 2004

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