Face à la mer, le bonheur est une idée simple (Jean-Claude Izzo, Chourmo)

The most dangerous phrase in the language is “we've always done it that way” (Grace Hopper)

(…): fa' quel che devi, avvenga quel che può (Gaetano Salvemini – to himself, after the murder of Giacomo Matteotti)

Francesca Bucci is Associate Professor in Mathematical Analysis at the Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica of the Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy  

General information contained in the web site of the Ateneo di Firenze – “Scheda personale”, including a short CV (besides contact details, office hours (“Orario di ricevimento”), communications (“Avvisi”), etc.)

   Academic profile and professional activities:

Contact:   Francesca Bucci
                  Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica
                  Viale Morgagni 65
                  I-50134 Firenze

       Tel. (office): (+39) 055 275-1471
       E-mail: francesca(dot)bucci(at)unifi(dot)it   (of course, replace (dot) with . and (at) with @)

   Divertissement: if you believe your math is elegant and/or you are cool, then watch this

   Personal: a few of my (non-math) favourite things: