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How this story did start...

The origin for this book is the workshop ``Dynamical Modeling in Biotechnology'' that was held in Villa Gualino, Torino (Italy) during the last week of may and the first of june, 1996. This Interdiscoplinary Advanced Workshop was sponsored by the European Commission DGXII of the European Union. The goal of the workshop was to show some application of the theory of dynamical systems and statistical mechanics to biotechnological topics to young researchers (master and doctorate students) coming from biological, physical and mathematical studies. The central idea is that the tools used in the investigation of chaotic dynamics, out of equilibrium statistical mechanics and disordered system are becaming a mature field in theoretical physics and computer science. The basic ingredients of these studies consist of a strong abstraction of a ``real'' system, leading to a model made of several interacting elements which are very simple but whose global behavior can be very complex. We (the phisicists) start to understand some aspects of this behavior, and we would like to apply these ideas to those systems made of several pieces with a really complex behavior, i.e. to living systems.

The power of modelization in physics and in engineering is out of doubt, while in the biotechnological field many theoretical studies stop at the description level. However, the results of abstract modeling (the one to which we physicists are naturally lead) is still quite far from the reality of biological systems. We think that it is time for theorical modelization to enter the field of biotecnology, and for that we need people with both physical and biological knowledge.

We structured the workshop into morning lessons and afternoon projects at the computer, in order to allow the immediate implementation of the ideas. This organization was possible thank to ISI (Institute for Scientific Interchange) that fournished the computers, and to Villa Gualino, an hotel belonging to the Regione Piemonte, that hosts also ISI. Two lecture rooms and six working rooms with computer facilities were available. In this way we lived together two intense weeks sleeping, eating, teaching and learning in the same structure (after this period we were all exhausted). The scheduling of the workshop can be found at the end of this preface.

The first three days of the workshop were devoted to ``computer alfabetization'' in C and FORTRAN (we also covered the use of graphycs routines and the use of networked DNA databases) and to introductory lectures in theoretical biology. This period also let people know the contents of the projects, in order to divide them into groups. We originally planned to have ten-days projects, in order to cover advanced topics, but the students asked to partecipate to more than one project, so some of them were halved and duplicated in the second week.

The home page which was established at the Internet site of ISI; gif is now serving as a reference for students and lecturers for exchanging materials and information. One can find the list the lectures, projects and seminars in the Appendix 1, and the reversed list of lecturers and tutors in the Appendix 2.

A total of 31 students participated to the workshop from different European countries. Some extra students, without EU nationality, were admitted as observers. Among them, 13 students were from biological or medical disciplines, the rest mostly from physics or from mathematics, engineering and computer science. A list of the students is included in the Appendix 3.

As a conclusion of this part, we can add some sparse comments.

The workshop has been generally successful. It can set a scheme for future courses on these subjects to be held at the doctoral or post-doctoral level. Many improvements are possible, some of them are mentioned in the following, which are likely to considerably improve the efficiency.

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Bagnoli Franco (
Wed Nov 4 14:55:39 CET 1998